IUCN-facilitated workshop on transboundary management framework took place in Vietnam

Oct 14, 2022

On 15 September 2022, the IUCN-facilitated workshop on transboundary management framework (TBMF) took place in Vietnam with the participation from the Lao delegation of the Department of Heritage, the Department of Forestry, the National Committee for UNESCO, the Provincial level and GIZ-ProFEB. The objective is to highlight the cooperation for the future nomination of Hin Nam No National Park as a transboundary extension to the Phong Nha-Ke Bang.


This workshop allowed participants to understand the cooperation models and knowledge of the needs each site should prepare and build its capacities, relying on specific guidance on management issues. However, the results of this workshop still need more in-depth discussions at various levels. Furthermore, the MoU between the Oxalis tour operator in Quang Binh and the Lao Green Discovery in Lao was signed as a result of the transboundary management framework.