On 23-25 February 2022, there was a series of participatory meetings on METT (Management Effectiveness Tracking Tool) assessment and Hin Nam No stakeholder meetings. The meetings were participated by representatives from 19 guardian villages, District Co-management Committee members, Hin Nam No National Park Office, Representative from PAFO, a representative from Department of Heritage, other Development partners (RDA, Lux Development, ICBF), as well as the Private sector. The Hin Nam No National Park performance has been thoroughly evaluated with active participation from stakeholders, which has made this year’s result an indeed participated and reflective outcome. The co-management stakeholders meeting on the following day was used as a platform for all stakeholders, especially the local community, to provide updates on recent developments and for Hin Nam No Natoinal Park to update on 2021 implementation progress and annual plan for 2022.